Rua Marginal No 4159, Maputo, Mozambique. Email: or
+258 82 318 2640, +258 84 312 5151
The year 2000 was a disastrous and traumatic year in the history of Mozambique due to the excessive flooding that exceeded the 1: 100 year return period. Most of the major rivers in the southern part of the Country were bursting their banks with excessive damage caused to infrastructure.
The ESA management staff took part and worked very closely with the roads authority (ANE - Administraçoã National de Estradas) to assess the damage and drafted Emergency Repair Contracts with funding obtained from various donors i.e. World Bank, DFID etc. The ESA staff have supervised many of these projects and also later took part in some of the permanent repair works.
The ESA staff have the experience and knowledge of materials and resources to assist with Disaster Management linked to infrastructure repair or re-establishment.